Book of Hope’s work in Africa sees changed lives through the power of the Gospel.

By November 15, 2004

Africa (MNN) — Next, the people of Africa face devastating horrors. Famine, war, genocide and the AIDS epidemic plague countries across the continent.

Many people offer solutions to Africa’s problems, but as Bob Hoskins from Book of Hope states, it’s a heart matter, “If there’s not a cultural change there’s no hope, and we know that the only thing that can truly transform and bring that change is a changed heart and a changed life, and that change-agent is the Word of God and that’s why the Book of Hope is such a critical tool for the salvation of Africa.”

The truth of God’s Word is effecting change, and people are responding to the hope of the Gospel.

Hoskins adds, “Praise God doors are open to us all over Africa. Governments are begging us to come, because they know that the real solution to their problem has to come through a transformation of lives. And God’s Word will do that! And so we’re just excited about what we’re seeing happen across Africa through the distribution of the Book of Hope.”

1-dollar can give three children a Book of Hope.

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