(MNN) — Today's college students face twice the risk of developing sexual
addictions compared to Americans in general.
That's due, in part, to the advent of internet pornography. Campus Crusade for Christ's Tony Arnold.
says, "Internet
pornography has often been called the 'crack cocaine' of pornography because of
its triple-A properties: its accessibility, its affordability and its
yet, explains Marc Rutter, National Director of Human Resource Leadership for
Campus Crusade, "College students'
pursuit of porn is hindering their ability to form authentic
an independent survey targeting college students, 20-percent of the students
their own sex lives are not normal. One in three feel degraded by their sexual
behaviors. More than 15% of the students score in the highest range of risk for
developing a sexual addiction – twice the rate of American adults in general.
response, Campus Crusade partnered with Bravehearts, Inc, to address the issue
of pornography on campus. Together,
they developed a multi-media presentation, Porn
Nation-The Naked Truth.
fast-paced multi-media presentation incorporates music, movies, advertising and
personal stories into a gripping and controversial conversation on the impact
of pornography on campus. It
has now been presented on more than 80 campuses nationwide.
Unfortunately, because pornography is a part of many of the
students' lives, pornography has in indirect impact on the ministry. "That (pornography addiction) is a
factor that is effecting the recruiting of new staff and the new missionaries
who are going out into the world. How do
we help them deal with the whole pornography and sexual component of their
a Porn Nation presentation, students meet with Campus
Crusade staff to discuss these areas in-depth. They are using two books
published by Campus Crusade to aid their learning and growth: Flesh: an
Unbreakable Habit
of Purity in a Pornographic World and Fantasy: an Insatiable Desire for a
Satisfying Love.
also goes on to say their greatest ministry challenge is helping students find
meaningful relationships rather than settling for empty intimacy. But there's
more to it: "Sexuality and spirituality are closely connected. We have to heal both areas in their lives. We
want everyone to come into a personal relationship to God through Jesus, but a
part of that is coming to the cleansing and the forgiveness that he provides