Hong Kong (MNN) – Protests continue in Hong Kong after three months. At the moment, there is no end in sight. BBC News reports the protests have caused a steep drop of nearly 40 percent in tourism to the city.
But, even in the social chaos, Mission Cry recently sent a container filled with used Christian books and Bibles to Hong Kong. The books, mostly in English, were donations from Christians who no longer had a use for them. Mission Cry sends these resources all across the globe, but it sent this shipment to Hong Kong because of unrest. Executive Director Jason Woolford says he believes God is doing something in this city; Mission Cry wants to resource it.
Books Enroute
Through a strategic partner in Hong Kong, Mission Cry can legally get the containers into the city. From there, the shipment contents are released to a ministry on the ground.
“Who then in Hong Kong has the ability to set up place places, right, where some of the main rioting was going on. He would, he sets the Bibles and Christian books up and plays an organ and sings and people just come and take them,” Woolford explains.
Woolford says people sometimes ask how this scenario can play out in China, a country known for enforcing strict religious laws, but Hong Kong functions autonomously. Woolford says the city is a region China can point to as an example to show its claimed leniancy.
“Hong Kong is a melting pot of multiple nationalities and different languages so there [are] so many people that speak English. And so, we have that ability to give English [books] and those people to read it. It’s having a big impact,” Woolford says.
Get Involved
The hope is that these Christian resources impact lives and hearts in Hong Kong, especially in this time of unrest. A colleague of Woolford’s who helps distribute the resources in Hong Kong informed him that thousands of people at the protests will sometimesbreak out into praise and worship.
Will you pray for the people of Hong Kong?
Pray for people of Hong Kong and China and for their ability to freely worship God. Pray for the impact of the shipment Mission Cry recently sent. With this shipment Mission Cry also included copies of its Mission Cry Bible. This Bible is specifically designed to help lead people through the salvation process. It also includes a discipleship program, too.
For $2, you can provide a Mission Cry Bible for Mission Cry’s next shipment. To give a Bible, click here.
Have used books and Bibles to give to Mission Cry? Click here to find out donate!
Pictures from yesterday's container being sent to Hong Kong. Please watch the video we posted below! This is a significant time for Hong Kong, and we have an amazing opportunity to spread the peace of God!
Posted by Mission Cry on Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Header photo courtesy of Mission Cry.