Christians meet the needs of Zamiba’s AIDS orphans.

By September 24, 2003

Zambia (MNN)–As AIDS runs rampant in Africa and threatens calamity for India, China and Russia, experts warn that even the promise of billions in rescue money cannot curb the disease as long as social and political barriers hamper the fight.

The generation of AIDS orphans has now become parents in their own right, but without training or skills. Teen Missions International is working to change that. With a sister ministry, AIDS Orphans and Street Children (AOSC) are making the difference.

Teams have begun having nutrition classes for the mothers, and are researching the availability and cost of diet supplements. The group has also begun preparing a garden seed kit for each village to help whole families with nutrition.

Hygiene also plays a role in teaching parenting skills. TMI groups are providing personal cleaning products like soap, lotions and other toiletries. Teen Missions is currently working with hotels to see if they would help with discarded soaps, lotions and shampoo.

The outreach is designed to meet the needs of children who still live in their home villages and attempt to farm the land that had belonged to their parents.

The goal is to set up an 8′ by 12′ portable housing unit staffed with two missionaries in villages with high orphan populations. It is Teen Missions’ goal to have 16 fully operational units in rural Zambia and Zimbabwe in the next four years.

Please pray that the seeds of the Gospel will also take root.

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