Easy to read Spanish Bible nearing completion

By October 26, 2004

USA (MNN) — While the Bible has been available in Spanish for years, World Bible Translation Center is close to releasing an easy to read translation of God’s Word in Spanish. Agency Spokeswoman Norma Burks says they’re still fine-tuning it for release by the end of the year.

WBTC’s Director of Hispanic Ministries Rafael Serrano just returned from Colombia where he met with prison ministries to conduct a survey to see if the Easy-To-Read version will help prisoners understand the Bible better. Burks says, “There the ministers read from our text and said this was the version they had been waiting for because it is so easy to understand on a lower reading level that so many of the prisoners experience.”

Burks says the Bible will be completed by December and ready for distribution by the first of the year. “Prisoners in Colombia, people in Cuba and people all over the United States, ministries are anxiously awaiting because they’ve had our New Testament and has just been thrilled with that and they’ve been anxiously awaiting the complete Spanish Bible.”

Right now funding is needed to make sure those who need the Bibles receive them. Burks says, “We desperately need more funds so that we can get more Bibles into those hands. It takes $4 to print a complete Bible and $1.50 to print a New Testament and distribute that, so you see it’s very inexpensive to be able to get a Bible into someone’s hands.”

This and the other 14 translations available will be making a huge impact in evangelistic work in the years to come. Pray that many will respond to this call for funding so that many will come to Christ.

You can help World Bible Translation Center by going to their web site http://www.WBT.com.

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