International (MNN) — Wycliffe USA received its single largest donation in its history last month. A $50 million donation came in just before Wycliffe's kick-off celebration of a new campaign.
Wycliffe's new initiative, known as the Last Languages Campaign, is a push to set in motion a Bible translation of every language not yet translated by the year 2025. Wycliffe's president Bob Creson says the donation will help the organization to reach over 200 million people who are currently unable to read the Gospel in their heart languages.
The gift was donated anonymously and certainly demonstrates a great deal of trust in the organization and God's providence. In a recent Mission Network News article, Wycliffe's Ruth Hubbard explained that although finances would be difficult for the 2025 push, they would trust in God's character and faithfulness. They asked for prayers and continued support, but Hubbard's final words on the issue were confident. "We are asking God to act according to His character."
God has certainly responded to the prayer of His people. In the meantime, Wycliffe is still in need of more workers to mobilize the Word of God. He will undoubtedly provide.
Praise God for His generous provision. Pray that the Lord would send missionaries to work with Wycliffe and complete the translation of His word that all might benefit from His grace.