God’s love wins the hearts of young people in Hungary.

By October 15, 2004

Hungary (MNN) — Endurance, love and the joy of Christ reaped a harvest in a small village in Hungary recently. Operation Mobilization-Hungary’s Operation Village Ministry team was warned about the unruly youth they would be serving in their two-week outreach to the village of Kubekhaza, a small town on the border of Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia.

The young people proved to be a handful as they disrupted teaching times with raucous behavior. Most were talking, running around, making noise, fighting and generally distracting everyone. Team members faced the challenge daily, enduring with smiles and the joy of Christ to love the young people. And they were blessed for it.

God’s love won the hearts of two young women who committed their lives to Christ by the end of the outreach. Through the faithful outreach of local church members and the OM team in talking with the young women and answering questions, both made decisions for Christ.

The OM team is praising God for the ways He worked despite the difficulties they faced in their ministry outreach there.

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