Heavy rains flood Cap Hatien

By February 9, 2022

Haiti (MNN) — Heavy rains and flooding have killed at least three people in Haiti. The northern parts of the country suffered the worst weather. In Cap Haitien, the city center filled with water.

Eva DeHart of For Haiti with Love says, “Cap Haitien had three straight days of nonstop, heavy rain. The city sits basically on the seashore. So the rain had no place to go. There was massive flooding. Homes were flooded and the schools were closed.”

“Even some of the churches were closed. And in Haiti, that is a really big deal.”

Vehicles can’t go anywhere because the water is too deep. DeHart says water is running down from the mountains, carrying mud, debris, and even garbage. “The mountains were so saturated that the trees were just bending over and their entire root ball was coming out of the ground. So any protection the mountain was getting from the trees is now gone because they’re lying on their sides.”

A boulder rolled down the mountain, damaging a house. For Haiti with Love has been treating injured from that house and many others. “They know that the clinic is based on the Gospel and that that they can find comforting words of God in addition to the physical comfort from the medical care.”

How to pray

DeHart says natural disaster aid to the North tends to move more slowly. “But they are determined people and they love their country. So they’ll get it put back together. It just may take a long time.”

Pray aid will reach the area soon.

And ask God to strengthen believers in Haiti during a difficult time. DeHart says, “We help with morale also by the fact that we have now finished three little starter houses. People really like seeing that a mother and her children can have a home to call their own.”



(Header photo courtesy of Rémi Kaupp, CC BY-SA 3.0 <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/>, via Wikimedia Commons)

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