How to overcome porn addiction through Christ

By May 8, 2024

USA (MNN) — Americans spend an average of seven hours per day online, according to DataReportal. It makes sense to a degree, as school and work become increasingly digital.

However, dangers lurk here, too. Pornography sites get more website traffic in the U.S. than Netflix and top social media platforms combined.

“Many people see it as a victimless crime; I can do it in secret, and nobody knows, [but] we know, as believers, that God sees those things,” The Lighthouse’s Brandon Bower says.

smartphone, secret

(Photo by Limon Das from Pexels)

According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 43 percent of Americans think porn is morally acceptable.

“If we look at all of these people as children of God, whom God loves deeply and cares for, it makes it harder to engage in online pornography,” Bower says.

Porn addictions, like any other sin, can be overcome through the power of Christ. “Pornography is a huge struggle and one of the huge factors that leads to sexual abuse in families, churches, and nonprofits,” Bower says. “It’s something that we have to address.”

Contact The Lighthouse here for help, or turn to a fellow believer you trust.

“The local church is God’s gift to the believers to be able to deal with these things. I would challenge anyone listening to go to their local church and talk to someone about their struggles,” Bower says.

“We know that people struggle with this, and they don’t need to hide any longer. They can find help and healing.”



Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Gilles Lambert/Unsplash.

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