JESUS Film at Christmas starts church in India

By December 13, 2004

India (JFP/MNN) — Where only one Christian family lived, today there are more than 400 people following Christ. Three years ago, a JESUS Film team visited a village in central India and found only one Christian family. With this family’s help, the team visited each home, inviting everyone to come to the “JESUS” film showing that night.

The people of the village came to the showing in their own language and many stayed for hours afterwards to pray and learn more about Christ. After three months, the film team helped start a church with ten people in attendance. In September 2004 that church had grown to nearly 800 attending each Sunday.

Most of these people are farmers, coming from poor families. In addition to poverty there hasn’t been adequate rainfall in the past three years which has really affected the crops. Sometimes, many of these farmers can’t even afford to pay the bus fare to get to church. But their desire to worship is so great that they walk, some trekking more than six miles.

Today more than 400 people from that village have been baptized as followers of Christ.

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