Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon is slowly emerging from an austere nationwide lockdown. A 24-hour curfew was lifted today, and some non-essential businesses can reopen. More Lebanon headlines here.
It’s a tiny sign of hope after an extremely difficult six weeks. “We still have this hope that sometime it’s going to ease up. But for now, it’s even harder than it was before,” Nuna* from Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says.
“People are hungry, and they’re rioting in the streets because of the lockdown. It’s just really, really hard on people.”
Before the latest lockdown began, Triumphant Mercy received increasing requests for food aid. “Not only the poorest of the poor but middle-class people can’t afford [or buy] food now. The money they had in the bank is not available for them to take. [It’s] really tragic,” Nuna says.

A close up photo of food aid packages assembled by Triumphant Mercy staff and volunteers.
(Photo courtesy TM via Facebook)
When the total lockdown began on January 7, Triumphant Mercy had to shut down. “We’re not allowed to open but we know that people are hungry, so we’re doing door-to-door [deliveries] now. Many NGOs are doing that,” she continues.
“People are dying of hunger; you can’t just sit and say, ‘Oh, I can’t open’.”
With necessary precautions in place, ministry teams take the hope of Christ to those most in need. “We just put a few (food) packs in each car, and we go door to door. That’s the only way to do it,” Nuna explains.
The deliveries may be short, but each one opens doors for the Gospel. “These are words that we hear again and again: ‘Nobody is loving us like you [are]; nobody’s following up with us like you’re doing’ and they’re just so amazed at this,” Nuna shares.
“They know we’re believers so when they see us acting like Christ, they’re seeing it as an act of [His] love.”
Now that you know, how will you respond? Use the prompts listed alongside this article to guide your intercession. Give to keep Triumphant Mercy’s work going.
“Sometimes, we only use words; ‘Jesus is Lord, give [Him] your life.’ But when you show people love and they know why you’re doing it, I think that’s the greatest message you can give to people,” Nuna says.
“This is the proclamation of the Gospel in works, and not just with words.”
*–Name changed for security purposes.
Header image courtesy of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon.