MegaVoice releases new tool for Deaf ministry

By September 8, 2021

International (MNN) — A third of us, one in three people worldwide, have never encountered Jesus. You can help change that by joining the Alliance for the Unreached, a coalition fueling Gospel access for every people group.

For example, a new video Bible device from alliance member MegaVoice is opening doors in Deaf communities.

“MegaVoice invented the first audio Bible 32 years ago. That was great for blind [or] visually impaired people and all the oral learners. But we weren’t doing anything for the Deaf, and there’s a huge need,” MegaVoice VP Darrel Templeton says.

As estimated by the World Federation of the Deaf, there are around 70 million Deaf people worldwide. Less than two percent of them have Gospel access, making the Deaf the largest unreached people group in the world.

Envision: a new opportunity

Premiering this month, “Envision” is a 10-inch tablet that comes preloaded with video content, like sign language Bible translations or the JESUS Film. The device can be paired with solar panels and a backup battery, allowing Gospel workers to reach previously unreached areas.

Working alongside groups like DOOR International, MegaVoice can supply Deaf evangelists with the tools they need.

“We are partnering with several ministries working with the Deaf. It’s my understanding that there’s some translation work going on in about 38 different sign languages around the world at this time,” Templeton says.

(Photo courtesy of MegaVoice)

The Envision tablet is a powerful asset for Deaf ministry, and hard-of-hearing communities can benefit, too. What’s the difference between Deaf and hard-of-hearing?

“For those low-hearing people – an elderly person, or someone who is losing their hearing – they would be able to hear it as well [as see it],” Templeton says.

“It’s loud enough for 100, 150 people to easily listen to it.”

Find your place in the story

You can help raise awareness of unreached people groups like the Deaf. We’ll get you started here.

Most importantly, pray. “Be praying for those involved with Bible translation for the Deaf and those involved in audio-visual teaching/discipleship content. [Pray] that we would be good stewards with our time and talents that God has given us,” Templeton requests.

“Pray the Lord of the harvest for more laborers. I see this Envision tablet as a laborer; it can go to homes, to individuals, to groups, that otherwise, we couldn’t go to.”



Less than two percent of the global Deaf community knows Christ. (Header image courtesy of DOOR International)

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