Afghanistan (MNN) — The infant mortality rate in Afganistan is one of the highest in the world. The current mortality rate is 13.5 percent of all live births compared to .8
percent in the U.S.
CURE International is helping to give mothers and their babies a greater chance at life with their experienced medical staff. Their Kabul medical team is responding. They currently have 33 doctors and 80 nurses at the CURE International Hospital in Kabul, which was established in 2005.
However, the severe shortage of professionals in the area causes many women to deliver their babies at home, which leads to many deaths.
The greatest need is for more trained personnel. CURE nurses are sent to a hospital to teach clinical and didactics between one week and one month to local nurses. In one case, a mother who was in labor for two days came in to the hospital desperately needing help. When the baby was delivered, the doctor caring for her informed her that the child was not crying and that it was dead. However, the CURE doctor tried to revive the newborn. And he succeeded.
Part of the help CURE offers is dependent on funding. It costs $200 to sponsor a nurse for one month in the Kabul Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Respectively, $30 and $80 will provide prenatal care for expectant mothers or professional care for newborns. Also, a donation of $150 gives special care for a mother and child facing pregnancy complications.
As a Christian organization, CURE demonstrates God's love while caring for mothers and their children.