Missionary radio helps tsunami victims

By January 14, 2005

Asia (HCJB/MNN) — HCJB World Radio has set up a Disaster Relief Fund and is working in partnership with Gospel for Asia and others to minister to disaster victims.

GFA leaders in India are providing victims with clean water, food, clothing and critical medicines. GFA is also planning two additional phases that will help provide housing, spiritual counseling and other needs throughout the year.

Dennis Adams, director of the Asia Pacific region, says the shortwave station operated by HCJB World Radio-Australia is sending out special programming to encourage victims. HCJB World Radio worked with local Indonesian partners to establish local Christian stations in Sumba Island and Kupang, West Timor, with help from the HCJB World Radio Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind. Plans are also being made to establish a station on Roti Island.

If you’d like to help HCJB World Radio go to their web site, http://www.HCJB.org.

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