Indonesia (MNN) — As billions of dollars have been pledged for food, clothing, shelter, medicine and other essential needs. Missionary radio in Indonesia is getting involved at the request of the government in this Muslim nation.
President of Far East Broadcasting Company Gregg Harris says they have a three pronged approach helping in Aceh. “The first is we’re sending a technical and programming team in to the region to enable local radio stations to function in the emergency. The second is we’re distributing wind-up radios that don’t need batteries. And, the third is special programming and grief counseling that we’re launching already.”
Harris says no radio stations are operational right now in Aceh, so the need is great.
Communication is key during emergency situations like this. Harris says FEBC will be an integral part of this. “At this particular point in time, the radios will be literally a life line for many of these people to find out where they can get food, water and shelter and other life saving information.”
FEBC is developing unique health programming that will physically save lives, but will also sensitively share Christ. But, this can’t happen without radios. “We have a plan to distribute 10,000 wind-up radios in the Aceh region of Indonesia. It’s very interesting that we’ve been informed that the Indonesian Army is already distributing radio, so obviously the government sees this as a critical need.” $33 dollars builds and distributes one high-quality radio in the region.
You can sponsor a radio by going to FEBC’s web site,, or by calling 800-523-3480.