(MNN) — Audio Scripture Ministries has been laying the groundwork for a
recording outreach at a Bible college in Mozambique.
Their lay contact just finished training for and has been
asked to record the Makhuwa language of Mozambique which has two and a half
million speakers. They are the largest
ethnic group in northern Mozambique
and also have a large population across the border in southern Tanzania.
It's widely believed that most Makua call themselves
Christians, although there is also a significant population of Sunni Muslims
and the minority animists. Some small ethnic groups in Mozambique are
100% Islamic.
While there are Scripture translations in this language,
there's also a sister language, Lomwe.
According to SIM, a Lomwe New Testament was published in 1931, and an
Old Testament translation is now two-thirds finished.
The Makhuwa-Xirima language group has a Bible, and the
Reformed Church at Muapula is translating another. The Makhuwa-Meeto has no
Scriptures, but SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) workers are currently
translating the Bible into that language.
Praise God for this opportunity to get the Scriptures in
audio for this language. Pray that the
ASM team will be able to get permission to do this language recording from the
Bible societies.