New believers from creative access nation persecuted

By September 15, 2004

Turkey (MNN) — While it’s a country that oppresses Christians living there, many are turning to Christ through Christian radio. The country remains nameless because of security reasons, but people from that country were recently in Turkey to receive training.
Boyd Griffith is with Greater Europe Mission. “We met with some people from one of the closed countries, many of them are new believers. They were there for inspiration, Bible teaching, house church training, (and) fellowship.” Griffith says it was just a wonderful time of encouragement, worship and instruction.

However, the situation turned for the worse. “A number of them had to leave early and it took 2 1/2 days by bus to get back to their country. And, when they got to the border they were arrested, they were interrogated for eight hours, Bibles were confiscated, and who knows what they’re facing right now,” says Griffith. Many of them will probably lose jobs and more.

Griffith says it’s great to know that God is moving despite the country’s opposition to the Gospel. Pray for these believers safety and opportunities to share the Gospel through one-on-one friendship evangelism. Pray too that believers will be able to get connected with underground churches ministering under the veil of Islam.

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