USA (MNN) — During the pandemic lockdown, you may have binged your entire Netflix watchlist, read every book on your shelf, and crafted everything on your Pinterest board. What’s next? Podcasts! If you need a new podcast recommendation, you should check out the newly-launched Wycliffe Women of the Word podcast.
Wycliffe Women of the Word is presented by Wycliffe Bible Translators USA and feels like grabbing a cup of coffee with a girlfriend to talk about life through the lens of Scripture. Hosts Beth and Jenn talk with women from all walks of life – from moms-next-door and missionaries to well-known authors and singer-songwriters.
Beth Matheson, one of the hosts for Wycliffe Women of the Word says, “I think we tend to categorize people in our heads, where we’re like, ‘Oh, you’re in full-time ministry. You’re famous. I’m just a typical woman living my life.’ The reality of it is our context may be different, but the content of our souls is the same.”

(Image courtesy of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA)
For example, Matheson says, “Our first episode, we kicked off the season with musician, Laura Story. She, again, is just a very regular person who opened up about her struggle to surrender her own plans and shared about ways that her community has come around her family during hard times for them.
“We also talked with Ellie Holcomb, who’s another singer-songwriter who we love. She talked with us about loneliness that she experienced as a young mom, and I think that’s something that a lot of women who have kids can identify with. She talked about how it led her to pursue deeper, honest relationships where she allows friends to look at God’s Word and go, ‘You know what? Your life is not matching Scripture here,’ and challenging her to grow and she can challenge them to grow.
“We also have an author, Leslie Leyland Fields, who is encouraging people to learn how to tell their own stories so that they can recognize the value that God has placed in their lives and the lessons that He has for them in their own stories. Then we’ve also got missionaries and we’ve got even a couple of members of my own personal community who are moms of special needs kids.”
Wycliffe Women of the Word first aired their podcast episodes on April 30th. Since then, they’ve heard feedback from ladies who are encouraged by the biblically-focused episodes that deal with hard topics — especially in this season of loneliness and fear.
“We want to just encourage women to come together and to hear women, our guests, talk through experiences that are universal and ways that they have encountered God’s Word in their daily lives and are being transformed by God’s Word in their daily lives with the goal of encouraging our listeners then to also dig into Scripture and be transformed.”

(Photo courtesy of Pexels)
Wycliffe also offers a link for each episode with ways listeners can engage and get resources mentioned in the podcast episode.
Matheson says, “Really honestly though, more than anything, we just want them to pick up their Bibles. We want them to pick up Scripture and to be in engage with it and be transformed by it.”
Find Wycliffe Women of the Word on the Apple Podcast app here! You can also find it on many other podcast streaming apps.
Finally, as you are encouraged by the podcast and transformed by Scripture, you can also help Wycliffe get Scripture into the hands of women and men around the world who still don’t have God’s Word in their heart language. Click here to learn more about Wycliffe’s ministry.
Wycliffe Women of the Word Podcast Trailer from Wycliffe Bible Translators USA on Vimeo.
Header photo courtesy of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA.