Pastors in second and third world nations need Scripture helpls to help churches grow.

By September 19, 2003

World (MNN) — “Could you provide literature for us?” That was the plea from an African pastor who craves Christian literature to help them learn how to pastor their churches and experiene church growth.

Christian literature is in desperate need in the second and third world church. David Shibley is with Global Advance . He says many national pastors are asking for these tools wherever they go. “They’ve never seen a commentary, they’ve never seen a Bible dictionary. Based on those appeals the Lord began to speak to our hearts to provide tools in the hands of these some two-million pastors and church leaders who are capable and yet poorly trained and poorly resourced for the Great Commission.”

Shibley is asking Christians to get involved financially as a way of having a global impact, without having to leave home. “We have so much, and the church around the world has so little. This is an easy way that we can share of our abundance. We’re trying to narrow that gap and provide for our brothers and sisters around the world, who are in need, of basic Christian material.”

Global Advance is helping in other ways. “Already were are providing training in print in 16 languages. Now our multi-lingual traing web site is up and running.” Shibley says this is helping pastors in an incredible way. “Even in some of the most remove parts of the world there are popping up Internet cafes. And, pastors are getting on line and are downloading a tremendous amount of information.”

Shibley says Global Advance is using television. The Frontline Shepherd’s Conference of the air is being beamed into Russia in both English and Russian. He says it’s the only program of its kind.

They also have a 100 hour vurtual institute program on CD Rom. Shibley says this will dramaticly increase the budget for these tools. Pray that many will respond to this incredible need.

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