India (MNN) — Change is on the wind for an Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) outreach in India. With the plan to move their audio recording facilities and positive reactions to their recent distributions, the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement, to say the least.
ASM announced in their prayer letter that just recently they were able to distribute audio Scriptures to three remote and unreached tribal groups in the jungles of North India. When the tribes heard God's Word being spoken in their heart language for the first time, team members said, "The response to the distribution was overwhelming."
The team members with World Cassette Outreach of India (WCOI), an affiliate of ASM, were able to distribute 100 units to over 250 people. However, the need is still great. The team reports that in order to minister to everyone within the tribes, over 3,000 audio units are needed.
Another ongoing project with a different tribe in India has yet to be completed as well, although they are farther back in the recording process. As earlier reported, the Garasia tribe is in desperate need of the Gospel. This tribe was exiled to the jungles nearly 500 years ago and is known for its violence and animism.
A pastor has been ministering to the Garasia tribe with the news of the Gospel, and a written version of the New Testament was completed for them last fall. One problem: 98 percent of the tribe can't read. Since then, ASM has been working to provide an audio version of the New Testament to these rejected people in their heart language.
When last reported on, ASM was still looking for recorders from the tribe who could not only read, but read their language in a different script. Thankfully, ASM was finally able to locate readers for the Garasia audio Bible. Recording will begin this month.
With all the new recordings and distributions going on with ASM, their facilities need to be upgraded. Their old campus stood six feet below street level. This meant that during the extreme flooding which is common during the rainy season, the recording campus and even residential spaces often became flooded. Pumps were used to divert the flow, but the electrical machines were often no match for the overwhelming waters.
Now, WCOI is looking for buyers of their property so that they can head in the direction of building new facilities. According to Wanda Maloy with ASM, "We strongly feel God's leading to head in this direction as God seems to have provided new property and buildings in an area with room to grow. Ask God to give patience and wisdom as the WCOI board and leadership work on the details of this long-standing project."
With so much in-store for Audio Scripture Ministries and World Cassette Outreach of India, God is certainly moving to make a difference in the lives of the Indian people. Please keep them in your prayers as they work to upgrade their facilities to better minister through audio Scriptures. Please also pray for the provision of more audio units and the ongoing recording of the Garasia audio Scriptures.