Radio reaches lost without the airwaves

By October 6, 2011

Bolivia (MNN) — A Christian radio ministry in Latin America is having an impact on lives in areas where they're not even on the air.

Executive Director of Spanish World Ministries Daniel Sandoval says God is blessing their ministry. "Thus the Lord is reaching souls thanks to the broadcast of our programs in over 1500 stations all over Latin America. Practically, our programs are heard in every country of Latina America, including Canada, USA, Spain and Cuba."

However, Sandoval says a non-radio outreach has developed from their programming. He says typically Spanish World works through local churches. The churches buy the air time and becomes the center-point of the ministry in the region. However, in Chochis, Bolivia, all of the evangelical churches were closed. Without local church support, they couldn't put SWM programs on the air. Sandoval says a local believer decided to use Spanish World Ministries another way. "This man decided to evangelize going house-to-house. Although he doesn't have formal theological training, he asked if our missionaries would supply him with several CDs. The Bible teaching of each program helped him to be better equipped to share the Good News of Salvation."

Sandoval says this also happened in Cuba. A woman "has been using them in a women's Bible study and also has been sharing these CDs with other believers in her church."

However, the radio ministry is also doing well. Sandoval says, "Our programs are transmitted approximately 12,000 times per week. It means that if only one person listen to each one of the transmissions, 12,000 people are exposed to the message of the Gospel weekly. In most of the cases, as a ministry we cannot make a follow up with each one of these listeners." Sandoval continued, "But God made a wonderful promise in Isaiah 55:11, and this promise is present in each program that we produce: “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it".

It having an impact in Honduras. "Dalia called our missionary in Tegucigalpa as a result of her interest in our programs," Sandoval reports. "As [the missionary] gave her the literature they realized that she does not know how to read. Life in a poor rural area makes for a very difficult situation, but Dalia’s desire to learn about God was greater than her circumstances. Like Dalia, many others all over Latin America, are being spiritually fed through the teaching of the Word through radio."

Your support will not only provide air time for Spanish World Ministries but also will provide CDs for workers willing to take the Gospel to hard-to-reach areas. Click here to help.

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