International (MNN) — Trans World Radio has a big announcement. The organization is collaborating with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, who leads Moody Church Ministry, and making his radio ministry — Running to Win — available internationally, in Spanish-speaking areas.
Ralf Stores with TWR explains, “We have an opportunity to take his incredible English programs and now translate and produce those into one of the largest people groups in the world.”
Currently, TWR is the largest distribution network in the world and broadcasts in over 160 countries, in more than 230 languages and dialects. It has a potential reach of 4 billion listeners. A partnership like this is what some might consider groundbreaking.
“There’s an entire generation of Spanish listeners who have not had the Gospel presented to them, who have not had the discipleship materials. And I think this is an opportunity to re-engage with an entire people group and an entire geographical area, that many people have felt has already been evangelized,” Stores says.
The 15-minute program will run five days a week and will be rerecorded by a native speaker. It will then be distributed to Spanish stations in the United States who request it and transmitted on TWR’s Web portal of Christian media content, TWR360, as well as by TWR’s transmitter on Bonaire.
The broadcasts could be airing in as little as a few months in the Americas, reaching countries like Cuba–who until recently has been a closed country–along with Venezuela and Columbia. The program will even be broadcast in parts of Europe.
To help this project flourish, TWR is planning to upgrade its Bonaire station, which will enable the station to reach even farther than it is now and will have a couple of months worth of programs produced and ready to roll.
Additionally, the Spanish team on this project will follow up with its listeners. Stores expresses, “There will be information at the end of each program: a phone number, an email, or an address where people can call if they have any spiritual questions and things of that nature.”
In the time leading up to the air dates, TWR will be launching a social media platform encouraging Spanish audience engagement, and getting the word out that there’s a new radio program made for them, and headed their way.
For now, please pray for the production and translation teams as well as the producer involved in this project. Also pray for those who will hear this radio program to have open ears to receive the Word of God.
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