Russia (BOC/MNN) — Recent news events surrounding the status of Russian
adoption to American families has centered on the case of a 7-year-old boy who
was sent back to Moscow alone by his adoptive mother in Tennessee.
She sent the boy back to Moscow alone last week, along with a note stating that he had threatened her and other
family,he was "psychopathic," and she no longer wanted to parent him.
A guide who was hired for $200 through the Internet to take the boy to the
education ministry picked up the boy at the Moscow airport.
This case has caused widespread anger, and Russian officials said that new
regulations had to be put in place before adoptions by Americans could proceed. There were also multiple reports announcing
the suspension of adoptions quoted the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs.
However, according to Buckner International Russia staff, they've had no notice of a
program shutdown, and international adoptions are continuing without
interruption. Andrei Pukhlov, director of the Buckner
program, said there "has been no official announcement from the Ministry
of Education regarding the suspension of adoptions."
“While we have not received any official word, we are watching the
situation closely and will be in touch with our families waiting to
adopt from Russia,” said Felipe Garza, vice president at Buckner.
Buckner began adoptions from Russia in 1995. More than 250 Russian children
have been placed with families through Buckner in the past 15 years.
Keep praying for the doors to remain open so that more children will be
exposed to the hope of Christ through their new families.