Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — SAT-7 broadcasts Christian programming throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The ministry also advocates for many human rights issues.
Rex Rogers of SAT-7 USA says Christians have an obligation to advocate for the value and freedom of everyone on Earth, not just fellow Christians: “God created human beings in His image. He created them free, He created them to make choices. God didn’t make us become believers in him. From the Garden of Eden on He gave us a choice. That’s the amazing part of creation… and any form of slavery, including slavery, of conscience, is inappropriate. It’s wrong; it’s sinful.”
Literacy as a human right?
Today, many people also see literacy as a fundamental human right. Rogers says, “If you can’t read and write, you can’t make your way in the world. You can’t use the reason well that God gave you, at least in the world we live in today. Christians have always been at the forefront of literacy efforts worldwide for everyone. [They have aided] all minorities and those that are considered lesser and unacceptable in certain societies.”
Ever since Jesus gave the Great Commission and ascended, Christians have worked at the forefront of human rights efforts. Rogers says this work shows the love of Jesus for all and His Lordship over all things.
SAT-7 carries on this tradition today in the Middle East and North Africa. Want to support them? You can donate at the SAT-7 USA website here.
Header image courtesy of Bananayota from Pixabay.