Shoes for Orphans Souls enters 11th season

By August 20, 2010

International (MNN) — Backpacks, pencils, rulers,
lunchboxes, paper and folders line the shelves of many stores this
time of year, as kids all around the world gear up to head back to school.
Pleas fill the air as a son begs for a fifth pair of new jeans, and a daughter
insists she needs the studded belt to complete her look.

But what about the millions of kids living in extreme
poverty who hardly know where their next meal is coming from, let alone their
school supplies and clothing?

For the past 10 years, Buckner International Shoes for
Orphans Souls® has kicked off their shoe collections during the back-to-school
season. While they collect and distribute shoes throughout the year, they rely
on this time of the year to give them an extra push.

However, with 50,000 pairs of shoes recently distributed to
Haiti, their shoe stock is dangerously low entering their eleventh season. So,
Buckner needs your help now more than ever.

Since their inception in 1999, Shoes for Orphans Souls has
donated over two million pairs of shoes to children in 69 different countries. As
they give many orphans and vulnerable children their first pair of shoes, Buckner
shows these kids they care and most importantly, that someone unseen cares even
more-Jesus Christ.

Help them continue to give shoes and hope to these kids.
Click here to donate or help with drives.

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