International (MNN) — There are 99 names of Allah, but not one of them is love.
Mike with Global Catalytic Ministries says the radical love of Jesus flips the fear-based morality of Islam on its head. He has seen it happen more than once: Muslim extremists meeting their match in the extremity of Christ.
“When they taste true love, it’s just this radical heart that’s softened. And they’re a radical follower of Jesus,” he says.
But sadly, Christians don’t always approach Muslim evangelism from a loving standpoint.
“More and more I’m sensing Christians being so visceral as to how to approach these types of conversations and Muslim people themselves,” Mike says. “We get messages constantly, basically saying ‘Just kill them all.’”
Viewing Muslims, or any group of people, from this kind of oppositional standpoint is a move away from Christ’s love, forgiveness, and justification of sinners. The temptation for Western believers is either to write off Muslims as unreachable or to beat them at their own game: conquest.
“We can approach it through this Roman worldview of conquer, take land, kill people who don’t agree, and force people into submission,” Mike says. “Whereas Jesus doesn’t do that. It’s an inward transformation.”
This transformation means the old oppositional identity is gone: replaced by a new identity in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:16 reads, “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.”

Courtesy of Rumman Amin via Unsplash
The way to make disciples differs across Islam and Christianity. Believers should have a ministry of reconciliation growing out of our identity in Christ and our love for Him. ISIS fighters, Hamas terrorists, and Taliban members are all seeking God, but they’re searching in darkness, and their methods are moralistic.
“They approach it through revolution,” Mike says. “Jesus approaches it through revelation.”
Global Catalytic Ministries works in the 10/40 window to plant Gospel seeds and disciple believers.
“We take the Joshua 5 approach,” Mike says. “We lay our lives down for our enemies. That’s the expectation of Jesus.”
As you interact with Muslims and pray for their salvation, keep this perspective in your prayers.
Please pray that God would soften many hearts – those of Islamic extremists and those of Western Christians who are called to love them. Pray that the love of Jesus would motivate ministry to Muslims, and pray that Christ would draw many souls to himself in darkest regions of the world.
Featured photo courtesy of Tayeb Mezahdia via Pexels