Snakes help point villagers to Christ

By November 27, 2003

India (MNN) — Imagine this baptism scene: The pastor steps into a river, and each bank is lined with angry a people yelling and scoffing. But that wasn’t all.

According to Gospel for Asia, these angry villagers were determined to mock the hated Christians and their baptism service. But then, all at once, the crowd grew silent. The people saw something that made them hold their breath: a poisonous snake swimming in the water just inches from the pastor. Surely, they thought, the wrath of the gods was about to strike and kill Samar, the native missionary pastor.

But Samar did not see the snake, nor did any of the new believers. Without any jeering from the crowd, Samar baptized all nine with great joy. As the Christians climbed back on shore, happy and unharmed, the villagers began to talk among themselves, saying, “Jesus must indeed be the true way.” Having seen the power of God to protect His servants, they were ready to listen to the Gospel. That very day, many renounced their idols and received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Every day, GFA’s 13,500 native missionaries men and women like Samar face the dangers of frontline ministry. Visit here to hear the exciting stories of two more such Gospel workers, Titus and Joseph, and check out our new online video.

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