Social media ministry connects diasporas with the Gospel

By October 4, 2023

Middle East (MNN) – According to The World Bank, 286 million people live in another country than where they were born. If international migrants formed a nation, it would have the fourth largest population in the world, following India, China, and the United States.

As migrants, refugees, and displaced peoples increase worldwide, how can ministries reach these diasporas with the Gospel?

Pierre Houssney with Horizons International says, “For us and many other ministries, the way that we’ve found to track down these people and reach them wherever they are, has to be through social media.”

Horizons creates, translates, and distributes Gospel-focused content through its studio at the Middle East Center for World Missions in Lebanon. The Middle East Center has become a hub where media is produced for speakers of regional languages who now live around the world.

“Opening up a lot of different platforms, and investing in those platforms to get the right content to the right people, is really where we’re finding the most results,” says Houssney.

These platforms are designed to reach specific demographics. Every piece of content on each platform is specially curated and customized for the unique needs of its audience.

Other ministries also partner with Horizons to share their content across the Middle East. Horizons is always looking for new partners to provide more media.

“There are a lot of people that are involved in ministries that have great content that they want to get into the Middle East, or they want to have a global impact,” says Houssney. “If we have listeners that are in that situation, we would love to help them.”

Contact Horizons International for more information about how they can help with translation, distribution, promotion, and communication.

“The Middle East needs Gospel resources,” says Houssney. “And when they’re biblically based, they’re very transferable into our culture. And we help to make them more transferable, so the Gospel can reach these people wherever they are.”

Pray for diasporas in the Middle East to encounter the Gospel. When they use social media, may the Lord lead them to connect with Christian ministries and find eternal life in Christ.

Houssney says, “Pray for those people that are in those hidden places. God knows where they all are. But they’re so difficult to find without social media.”


Header photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash.

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