Spiritual interest is high among university students

By April 28, 2005

USA (MNN) — A ministry to university students in the United States is excited about a new survey. According to a study released by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA found high levels of spiritual interest and involvement among college freshman. This survey indicates that groups like InterVarsity Christian Fellowship can be effective in reaching them with the Gospel.

InterVarsity’s President Alec Hill says this survey is a mix of good news and bad news. “The good news is that there’s a spiritual quest going on. I think the survey said something like 80-percent of students would identify themselves as seekers. The bad news is that that seeking the religiousity is not well-defined.”

With ‘tolerance’ the buzz word on university campuses, that doesn’t lend itself to Christianity. Hill says, “In its current form (it) sometimes speaks against true Truth. And so, we have students who kind of want a smorgasbord of spirituality, but they don’t want to be nailed down to creeds and beliefs.”

Hill says the survey indicates that this generation may be more culturally ready than others to be drawn to Christ and live their faith out loud. Hill says, “This group of students, they want to take the world. They’re interested in justice. They’re interested in changing things. So, they’re a great group to work with because they’re spiritual, they’re change-agents.” Despite being so ‘me’ focused.

That ‘me’ mindset, Hill says, is causing InterVarsity to modify the way they do evangelism. “Our trick is to create a missiology which relates to this generation without compromising the Gospel and the wholeness of the Gospel and the integrity of the Gospel.”

As classes come to an end this year, InterVarsity is asking believers to pray for more student leaders to share the Gospel. Funding is also needed for staffers who support this outreach.

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