(Liberia)–Topping the news, mediators are on their way to besieged Liberia, to try to negotiate an end to a violent attempt to remove President Charles Taylor from power. The unrest forced an evacuation of Westerners. Evangelical Baptist Mission’s Doug Boisvert (bwa-VAIR) says it affected them, as well. “We were scheduled for a trip to be teaching a couple of courses, this week, actually. That had to be postponed because of the instability and lack of ability for us to get in, plus the inability for them to have these kinds of things. So, it really has disrupted all kinds of activities and any kind of training that’s been going on.” Boisvert believes this kind of instability shakes everything up. “People are moved all around; they don’t know what’s going to happen next. So, I guess, be praying for the peace and stability of Liberia, plus, also, for the believers there that are experiencing these difficulties, that they might just be able to share the love of Christ, and even, at times, be creative of how they might be able to minister.”