Story number 1 for 12 Nov 1999

By November 12, 1999

We begin today with a continued look at evangelical ministry in Tibet with a look at persecution facing Tibetans and Christians in the country. MNN’s Greg Yoder is in Tibet and files this report. “Chinese occupation is having both positive and negative implications when it comes to ministry in Tibet. International Aid’s Ralph Plumb says the Chinese military are everywhere. “Every meal at this hotel that we stayed at had someone at our elbow listening. Many of us had phones and computer email traffic monitored or affected somehow. All of our ministry contacts that we have were hyper cautious about their work here and they told stories of Christians being expelled from the country.” However, Plumb says this could actually be good for this country steeped in Buddhism. “In this last generation, because of the Chinese occupation, they’ve raise the last generation under atheistic communism. It’s left a kink in the armor of the Buddhist world view and so it really is in fact a very opportune time for Christian witness in Tibet.” Greg Yoder, Mission Network News, Tibet.”

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