Headlining today’s news, India’s Prime Minister will be in the United States to address a joint session of Congress Thursday. At the same time, a briefing on religious intolerance in India will be held. Over the last several years, violence against Christians has increased. Words of Hope’s Lee DeYoung says his producer echoes that. “I just recently got an email from our producer in India, which indicates that in his part of India, which is the state of Bihar, there have been recent incidents of violence against Christians. Apparently that’s continuing to be a reality in India and at least in some areas actually picked up recently.” DeYoung says evangelism is being affected. “The tour of our literature distribution van is effective, but we’re moving more carefully these days because of the story Hindu presence in this area. A lot of pamphlets have been distributed recently displaying the Hindu agenda.” Prime Minister Vajpayee (VAHJ-pie) is being asked to protect the rights of all Indians.