(Indonesia) — We begin today in Indonesia where violence is again focusing on Christians in that predominately Muslim nation. Christian Aid Mission is in the country supporting refugee camps and helping Christians with outreach. Christian Aid’s John Lindner tells us things have deteriorated in that last two weeks. “Muslim Jihad warriors have attacked two villages on Sulawesi Island. The village of Sepe has been totally burned and destroyed, and also the village of Silancar. And, Christians in the city of Poso and the city of Tentena are fearing for their lives, that there will be a great massacre.” Special forces have left the area, providing little resistance to the attackers. Linder says despite the violence God is working. “There’s also a great hunger in the lives of people as they see this devastation before their eyes. They’re turning to the Lord. It is hindering evangelism in the areas where the violence occurs, but it’s open the hearts of the people elsewhere.” Go to ChristianAid-dot-org to find out how you can help end this violence.