Story number 1 for 14 Jul 2003

By July 14, 2003

(India)–We begin today in northeast India, where, after months of killings, the Hmar and Dimasa tribes have agreed to end their ethnic confrontation. But, in the process, thousands have fled the fighting. Not only that, but the violence persists. Bibles For The World’s Rochunga Pudaite says it has direct impact on their work. “Most of our schools are not open in the area anymore because the teachers and pastors have become refugees. The schools have been set on fire, and again, the militant are chasing them, and they continue to attack them.” Pudaite isn’t fazed by the death threats generated by his telling of this story. He says the struggling church must be supported. “People have been giving me quite a good bit of warning even not to come back to India for a while, until this thing is settled-but I don’t think that’s the way to approach this issue. We have to go with our prayer, and we have to go with our confidence that God, whom we worship, is able to deliver us from all kinds of problems and difficulties.”

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