Story number 1 for 14 May 2002

By May 14, 2002

(China)–China tops today’s news as the government continues its crackdown on the unregistered house church. World Help’s Mike Clinton just returned from that country. Clinton says a new law could have a huge impact on Christians. “It says it’s illegal to have gatherings of ten or more without government approval. Which means, all these house church meetings that are over ten people in attendance are now illegal. If people see ten people you can’t use the excuse, ‘oh, it’s a birthday party’, ‘we’re just getting together’, ‘we’re just praying’. So, the persecution there is increasing.” Clinton says the Chinese government is trying to get more control before the Olympics in 2008. But, Chinese believers aren’t bowing to the pressure. They’re asking for more Bibles and planning more outreach. “They say one Bible in the hand of a believer will result in 10 people coming to Christ. And so, for this year we have a goal of 1 million Bibles, but by the year of 2008 we want to see 50-million Bibles going in to China.” Five-dollars can print and distribute one Bible for a Chinese believer.

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