We begin today in China where the persecution of outspoken Christians is nearly as prominent as those preaching the Gospel. Voice of the Martyr’s Todd Nettleton just returned from a trip to China. He gives more details. “Pastor Li (De Xian) was arrested on Tuesday as he was preaching again at the village service in Huadu. This time, he has been transferred to the prison in Guangzhou, which is a lot more serious.” Nettleton says Pastor Li, along with many other believers, is not discouraged by suffering. He compared him to the Apostle Paul. “There’s a man who’s dead to self and alive in Christ. He was totally unbowed by the thought of going to jail the next day. His attitude was if they took him to jail, he’d preach in the jail, and if they let him go, he’d preach at the service. When we said, “What can Americans do?”, every one of the pastors, the first thing out of their mouth was, “Pray for us.”‘