Story number 1 for 16 May 2000

By May 16, 2000

Headlining today’s news, it’s being called the stupidest war on the planet. That’s how outsiders are describing the two-year-old conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The border dispute has left thousands dead. However, the conflict isn’t affecting the work of International Needs, which is helping Ethiopian Christians plant churches. Executive Director David Culross. “It’s a situation where the believers there said we would like to double the number of church planters that we have been able to provide for can you help us? So, they said we will put 50 church planters in the field, if you can help us put 50 more in the field. And, we have pretty much met that goal.” While the war rages on, Culross is asking people to pray for these church planters. “We would pray that the Lord would protect them as they work in remote areas. Many times they’re away from home for three or four weeks at a time because of the distance and we just pray that God will protect them and keep the villages open to the message.”

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