Story number 1 for 17 Apr 2001

By April 17, 2001

(Congo)–Headlining today’s news, a serious blow to peace in the war torn Democratic Republic of Congo as Rwandan backed rebels blocked the deployment of U-N troops to Kisangani. Sam Vinton of Grace Ministries International says this is somewhat of a surprise. “Up to now it’s been the Congolese Government that has rejected any of the United Nations troops going into particular areas. The only thing that I could surmise is that there’s been quite a bit of fighting and human rights violations in Kisangani and possibly that is the reason why they don’t want them to go there.” Grace Ministries’ work continues there and people are coming to Christ. Vinton says because of poor transportation, funding is needed make sure ministry continues. “We purchased medicines in the city of Bukavu in east Africa. And then, 250,000 Gospels of John that we’re in the process right now of sending by plane. So, funds transporting medicines and literature is one of our big needs.”

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