Story number 1 for 17 Sep 2001

By September 17, 2001

(USA)–We begin today in the United States where the terror attacks on New York and Washington could be a turning point for revival. Life Action Revival Ministries Byron Paulus says believers should claim II Chronicles 7:14. “I know the tendency of my own heart is to perhaps turn to our government, turn to our military, turn to our financial prosperity and resources, to try to solve the issue. O, that God’s people would genuinely humble themselves, pray and turn from our sin and seek God first. Then, I believe God longs to restore, and make what is a horrible tragedy, a redemptive thing in the body of Christ. If the world is watching and America really does humble themselves and respond in that spirit, then I believe the world will be open to the Gospel as never before. And, as you know, great revivals in the church, has always resulted in widespread evangelism around the world.”

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