Story number 1 for 19 Feb 2001

By February 19, 2001

(India)–We begin today in India’s earthquake zone, where the Hindu’s reportedly are now asking the question: “Is the Christian God angry about the persecution of His people?” Bible Pathway Ministries’ Karen Hawkins says this line of thinking has opened many doors for a partnership with Dr. M.A.Thomas’ group, HopeGivers. “It’s unusual that they would be asking that because they consider the Christian God one of 330-million gods. But, the government has asked Dr. Thomas to take in a million orphans. So, the fact that they would be asking a Christian ministry to do that, is showing a change in people’s thinking.” Hawkins adds that despite stretched finances in the orphanage, Dr. Thomas will never turn an orphan away. “He believes that God has called him to raise up missionaries to go out into all of India. There are 550-thousand villages that have never yet heard the name of Jesus Christ. His vision is to send out God’s orphan army into those villages.”

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