(Sudan)–We begin today’s newscast with word that Sudanese President Omar el Bashir has rejected a recent U-S proposal suggesting the creation of two political entities in the north and south as a way out of the country’s civil war. Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton explains his thoughts on the issue. “The government of Northern Sudan needs the land in South Sudan in order to provide food for their people. So, the northern government wants that land; if the people are Muslims, they’re happy to have them stay, if they’re not Muslims, they’d rather have them leave.” Nettleton adds that even though many believers have suffered persecution as a result of the current government, their faith remains unshakeable. “In many places, we’re hearing stories of the church growing. We’re seeing pastors working together, we’re seeing church congregations work together. As always, we need to continue to pray for Christians in Sudan who face very difficult situations and carry out their faith everyday.”