Story number 1 for 19 Sep 2000

By September 19, 2000

We begin today in the horn of Africa as the United Nations voted unanimously to send a peacekeeping force to monitor a cease-fire between Ethiopia and Eritrea. International Aid‘s Milton Amayun says that’s good news for famine relief because the war was a distraction. Amayun says there’s still much work to do. “Thousands of young children have already died. They are the most vulnerable whenever there is a famine. There’s a projection that, for now, there will be about one-million people who will die and many others will probably be malnourished.” However, according to Amayun, International Aid is sending food, medicine and something even more important – hope. “We have a lot of people who are committed to provide not only the food and the medicines, but also to share the Gospel. I also would like to mention that for every container that we send out we also have packets of the Gospel to be distributed together with relief goods.”

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