Story number 1 for 21 Apr 2003

By April 21, 2003

(Romania)– We begin today in Romania where the country is polishing its image in an effort to gain entry into the European Union. As part of that, new child welfare legislation is in the works, but the adoption freeze remains in place, and may be extended into June. Bethany Christian Service’s Carmen Dumitrache (doomee-TRAHkay) says that leaves thousands at risk. “As a result of the moratorium, we couldn’t go forward with the international adoptions. However, being so concerned about so many children’s situations, we tried to develop focus on domestic adoptions, but they didn’t solve the situation.” Dumitrache says in spite of the challenges their staff faces, the Christian testimony stands strong in the country. The needs of the children and their families, she adds, are especially important in their ministry. “Pray that in our country, we’ll come sooner to a final decision regarding the solutions that will be available for our children.”

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