(Indonesia)–Headlining today’ news, mission leaders are pleased with economic reforms in Indonesia, but are still concerned about lawlessness in that Muslim country. Since becoming president, Megawati Sukarnoputri has seen their currency values rise 20-percent, but there doesn’t appear to be a plan to end violence there. AMG International’s Muriel Lovestrand and Paul Jenks believe that will change. “She is against the persecution of minority religious groups. So, I think that, that outright persecution sometimes aided by the government before, she’ll try to stop that. She’s a very staunch nationalist and I don’t think she will allow these separatists to become independent.” Jenks is asking people to pray for AMG church planters in Indonesia as persecution of Christians continues. “As they hear of instances it just has that sense of we are a minority. We need to keep our head down. They just need the comfort from the Lord. A sense of peace and direction from Him to know that all this is worth it as far as the kingdom of God is concerned.”