Our story begins in Indonesia, where a jihad is taking place. Under the pall of heavy smoke from the devastation, Muslim warriors are driving Christians away from their homes. Voice of the Martyrs‘ Todd Nettleton explains the situation. “An additional 2,000 radical Islamic troops have come to Ambon to rid the island of Christians completely. President Wahid declared a state of emergency in the Moluccas, but the reality is that the Indonesian military and the Indonesian police have proved totally incapable of controlling the situation.” Nettleton asks believers to pray for the safety of other Christians in this nation. “We’ve had reports of literally thousands of Christians just fleeing their homes and hiding in the jungles, or hiding in the mountains. So, the needs are desperate right now and I think secondly, we can pray that they’ll be encouraged spiritually; that they will not give up the faith and not give up hope in God, but that they will really persevere through this time.”