Story number 1 for 4 Jun 2003

By June 4, 2003

(China)–Headlining today’s news, the SARS virus continues to have an impact on evangelistic work in China. China Partner’s Erik Burklin says the outbreak forced them to cancel a trip to the region. “We were originally planning to go with a group of individuals to do some more teaching. And, unfortunately because of SARS we had to post pone that trip. The leadership there asked us to reconsider because travel within China was literally shutting down.” According to Burklin, even though China Partner isn’t traveling to China, the work continues. He says funding is even more desperate now because many hearts are open. “As we all know when ever there is major calamities or disasters that happen in our lives, that’s usually when we ask the why question. And, I’m sure many Chinese have been asking that same question. And, this is where Christians can come along side of them and point them to the Savior.”

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