(Macedonia)–Headlining today’s news, while Macedonia and Albanian rebels have signed a cease-fire, fighting continues there. That’s the word from Christian Aid Mission’s Mike Clinton who’s there giving support to some of the 100-thousand Albanians and Macedonians who are now refugees in this violence. “There’s terrorists going into villages and they go home to home and they’ll say, ‘Either you give us your son or your husband to come serve in our rebel army or we burn your house down or we shoot you or use terror among the Albanians themselves.’ So, most of the Albanians don’t even want to be fighting.” Clinton says Christian Aid is providing food as a tool to reach these refugees with the Gospel. He says so far its effective, but with limited resources they can only do a little. Funding is needed. “One of the best ways people can help in this project right now is sacrifice 40-dollars to provide for a family of four for one-month. Every one of the families we gave to today said, what is this about. It wasn’t just, here’s a New Testament and go to the next person it was talking about the Lord.”