Story number 1 for 6 Mar 2001

By March 6, 2001

(Mozambique)–Topping the news, Mozambique once again faces a flood disaster. This impoverished African country is still suffering from the effects of last year’s devastating floods, which killed hundreds and left thousands homeless. This year’s floods have inundated vast areas of farmland and destroyed most of the crops. Air Serv International’s Alan Graham says they’re already using their fleet in the area, but are adding more support. “On Friday, we sent in an additional helicopter to help take food, and medicines and supplies to isolated patches of refugees. In many cases, they’ve been able to evacuate the low-lying areas and get people to areas where they can feed and house them temporarily.” Graham says their efforts point to the hope that can only come from Jesus Christ. “Everything that we do is to support the Gospel, to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry and maintain their life so they can receive the good news.”

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