Our top story today unfolds in Ethiopia where relief organizations are calling for a broad international response to a three-year drought that threatens millions of people with famine. Nearly 8-million lives hang in the balance but Christians are mobilizing to help. International Aid’s Sonny Enriquez. “It’s gone from bad to worse, and there’s no relief in sight yet. Interestingly enough, the ones that have been responding to them are Ethiopian communities overseas. Now, the urban churches in Ethiopia are also helping out. But this is not enough; we’ve got to help them. We’ll be focusing on two things: one is food, because that’s an immediate need, and then, secondly, medicines.” Enriquez says they will have a team on the ground before the end of the month. He issued this plea: “If people could give cash, so we can use this to buy essential commodities and ship them there. If they’re so moved to call us here at International Aid, our number is: 1-800-251-2502.”