Story number 2 for 12 Sep 2001

By September 12, 2001

(USA)–Next, the dust is settling from the destruction and havoc visited on New York and Washington D.C. Tuesday. Now, thoughts are turning toward the effect of growing anti-American sentiment abroad, magnified by the catalyst of terrorism. Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton explains what this might mean for overseas missionaries. “I would venture to say that most missionary organizations, especially those working in politically sensitive areas, would have some kind of a crisis plan. For most of the Americans on the ground in another country right now, the best advice is to lay low, stay out of sight.” Nettleton asks people to remember these workers in prayer. “Pray for safety for them. Pray for God’s protection. I think it’s easy to feel panicky, and to think: “If it’s happening in New York City, what could happen to me clear over here?” So, I think we can pray that God would really give them a sense of peace as they face these coming days.”

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